Knowledge Bowl by Julia Wendland

          Varying subjects, paper, and using your brain. What do you know that includes these three things?
Knowledge Bowl is definitely something that deserves our attention. The Knowledge Bowl team works hard during both their meets and practices. They stay after school on Thursdays to practice. Mr. Dobberpuhl and Mr. Wels attend and help the students during practices. The Knowledge Bowl teams have attended one meet (January 21st) and placed first and fourth in it. If you assume that they get to use calculators during these meets, then you are wrong. I asked junior Nick Jones who told me that they are not allowed any electronics during these meets. In fact, the only thing that could be possibly allowed are digital watches. Five regular season meets are planned and post season competitions include sub-regional, regional, and state meets. In addition, MVL competes in the Tomahawk Conference Knowledge Bowl Meet in February.
                 Perhaps you are curious to know what the meets are like. A typical meet begins with a sixty-question written round. Five-member teams collaborate on answering these multiple choice questions. Based on the scores of the written round, the teams are ranked for the following four oral rounds. Each oral round is made up of forty-five questions read to a group of three teams, which compete for the right to answer. One point is given for each correct answer. After each round of forty-five questions, the teams are ranked, and the next round places the teams with the closest scores in the same room. Sub-regional, regional, and state meets have five oral rounds instead of four. So now that you have more insight on Knowledge Bowl, maybe you’ll become a little more interested in attending a meet or joining them yourself!