Final Countdown to 300 by Kayla Michels

The girl’s Basketball team took on Mountain Lake and got their first win on Tuesday the 3rd of December. The score was 67-41. It was their first game of the season and Mr. Biedenbender was more than happy to get their first win. He has been coaching Varsity here at MVL for 14 years, but in total he has been coaching basketball for 26 years. He is actually coming up on his 300th win at MVL and he only needs 5 more wins to reach that goal! Mr. B. said that “The 300 wins really belongs to all of the players who have played at MVL over that last 14 years.” When I asked about coaching with his daughter, Chrissy, and how she can contribute to the team he said, “I’m excited to have Chrissy coaching with us this year. It’s always great to spend time with your daughter, and this gives us a chance to do that. She knows the game of basketball, and she’ll be able to share some of that knowledge, especially with our younger girls.” I also asked what his favorite part about being an MVL coach is, and he said, “The games - the competition and excitement involved with them is awesome!” Then I asked if coaching affects his personal life in any way, to which he answered, “Yes it does. I get pretty stressed out and wrapped up in the season and tend to be pretty nervous during the year.” To the question, “How are the captains helping the team achieve the goals of this season?” he answered, “Alexa and Nicole will serve to lead the team and keep them focused on the final goal of winning a championship.” Finally, I questioned him about his favorite Pep Band song, and he replied, “Without a doubt - Come Sail Away.” The girl’s basketball team is in for another great season with their 5-1 start and hopes that as many people as possible come to cheer them on!