Who am I? Week 3

The answer to last week's "Who am I?" is...

Mr. Wels
Mr. Wels teaches Biology, Physics, and other science classes. He is one of the Knowledge Bowl coaches, and also helps with Drama. He has been here for 22 years.
Thank you for all you do!
Check out his clues from last week at http://mvlcharger.blogspot.com/2016/11/who-am-i-week-3.html

Here are clues about the next faculty and staff member.

1. Second grade through high school, I played summer league softball.
2. I read extensively as a child.
3. During a band rehearsal, I was raising a stand by pulling from the top metal portion and the top popped off and gashed my forehead. I still have a faint scar by my eyebrow.
4. I was born in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

Who am I?

Stay tuned for the answer and another person next week!