MVL Takes on Hollywood

Photo by Ahmet Yalçınkaya on Unsplash

It's that time of year, which means Spring Fever is here! This year, we're taking on the stars. Our theme this year is MVL Takes on Hollywood. With Hollywood, comes many things. The dress up days this year are:

  • Monday: Celeb Doppelganger - Celebrity Look-Alike
  • Tuesday: Stunt Double - Twin Day
  • Wednesday: Rags to Riches - Fancy OR Mismatched
  • Thursday: A Day for the Stars - Space Day (includes, Star Wars, Trek, and Outer Space)
  • Friday: Movie Night - Character Day

We'll also have fun lunch activities throughout the week, showcasing our Hollywood theme. On Thursday, we'll put on the Guy's Creampuff Volleyball Tournament. The first game will be at 7:30 with the Sophomores taking on the Juniors. Next the Freshmen challenge the Seniors. Losers play each other, then the winners fight to crown a champion. 

We'll cap off the week on Friday with the Lyceum, where we meet the court and vote for Spring Fever King and Queen. Then we'll close the night with the Disney Dance on Friday night, starting at 8pm. Dress up in your best Disney for a fun-filled night. The Dance ends Friday at 11:59pm, because as we all know, "Nothing good happens after midnight." 

Student Council hopes you all have fun week and enjoy MVL Spring Fever 2020!